
What Are Steam Distilled Terpenes?

While the cannabinoids found in cannabis may be the stars of the show, terpenes are no doubt a close second. These compounds are what give something like Lemon Haze its telltale citrus aroma and Wedding Cake its sweet finish, but terpenes are found throughout the plant world. Beyond noteworthy aromatics and flavor, terpenes have all-out … Continued


What is RSO? Can You Smoke or Dab It?

Known for its profound therapeutic potential, cannabis RSO oil is a highly sought-after concentrate, and it is not without reason. This particular concentrate is unique because of its name, its history, and how it is used. Let’s take a closer look at RSO, how to use RSO oil, and more. RSO Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) … Continued

Rick Simpson Oil RSO

Cannabis Edibles: What to Know Before Buying

With cannabis legalization happening across the country, your selection of weed edibles are no longer just those questionable pot brownies someone cooked up in their kitchen. You now have access to a full collection of artisan THC-infused edible treats. Here is a quick guide of things to know before you buy edibles. Jump To: Dosing … Continued


THC Cartridges: What to Know Before You Buy

While there will always be some cannabis users who prefer the traditional smoke, vaping brings about a lot of perks for others. From portability and discreetness to the simplicity of dosing, THC carts can enhance the experience for sure. But how do you shop for THC carts? What should you look for in order to … Continued

Cartridges THC

How to Use an RSO Syringe

An RSO syringe comes prefilled with a specific amount of oil, which makes an RSO regimen super convenient. Below, we will break down the regimen recommended by the creator of RSO, Rick Simpson. What Is RSO? RSO is a potent cannabis concentrate with high levels of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and the full spectrum of other plant-derived … Continued

Rick Simpson Oil RSO Syringe

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Cannabis Dispensary in Brockton, MA | Pot Shop Sandwich, MA | Marijuana Dispensary Taunton, MA

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