An RSO syringe comes prefilled with a specific amount of oil, which makes an RSO regimen super convenient. Below, we will break down the regimen recommended by the creator of RSO, Rick Simpson.
What Is RSO?
RSO is a potent cannabis concentrate with high levels of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and the full spectrum of other plant-derived agents, such as other cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids. The oil itself is especially thick, like sticky tar with a dark greenish-brown color. The oil was invented by Rick Simpson, hence the name Rick Simpson Oil, which claimed to have used a precise dosing regimen to heal basal cell carcinoma over a 12-week period.
How to Take RSO
If dosing orally, it is best to place your dose of RSO under your tongue. You can also simply ingest the dose by placing it on your tongue and swallowing. Keep in mind, RSO is extremely potent, so you do need to be careful about measuring your dose. If using a prefilled syringe, dispense your dose onto a spoon, piece of food, or another object before placing the dose in your mouth.
How to Use an RSO Syringe Week-by-Week
RSO syringes contain numerous doses of RSO because your initial dose amount is so small. One 0.5 mL RSO syringe may actually deliver up to 40 doses. The general guideline proposed by Rick Simpson is to consume about 60 grams of RSO over a 90-day period. You must adjust the dose gradually over the course of time to give your body time to adjust to each new dosage.
Week 1
Your starting dose should be only about half the size of a rice grain, which would be roughly a quarter of a drop of RSO. This dose should be taken three times a day, or roughly every eight hours, for the first week.
Weeks 2 – 5
Double your dose at the beginning of week two. From here on out, you will actually double your dose every four days until you reach the max dose of 1 gram daily. Essentially, once you have grown accustomed to the effects, you will be taking about 8 or 9 full drops about every eight hours.
Weeks 6 – 12
Continue your 1 gram per day regimen throughout the remaining weeks. You can complete the regimen once you have taken 60 grams of RSO. However, some people continue with a “maintenance dose” beyond the 12-week marker. If you do decide to follow a maintenance regimen, keep in mind you should reduce your dose to a more conservative place. For example, you may choose to take only a few grams per month evenly distributed into small doses.
Trust Only the Best RSO Oil from a Good Dispensary
When consuming a product as potent as RSO oil, it’s critical that you get a well-tested product with reliable potency levels. Not to mention, therapeutic outcomes can be detrimentally affected if the RSO syringe you buy is not what it’s claimed to be. Check out our menu at In Good Health to get a look at RSO syringes we have available at our dispensary.